oh yes. thank you being a voice during all this. tanya's quote says so much. i may need to print that out on a card and pass it out to people instead of speaking.
The silence in certain environments in this country might be the scariest part. By Thursday the lack of acknowledgment from the publicly traded corporation I work for had sunk in and I was literally shaky. Full on meltdown by 11am. A check in message on Friday from a friend. I was grateful. She was the only one.
I hope you continue to find time and space to rest.
My body responds with a deep ache around my ribs diaphragm, my chest and throat tighten. The tears are always about to drop. I try to keep up with what is happening and try to avoid the horrific images.
My words seem of no use right now. I keep asking myself how I can be of humble service. Sending much love your way.
oh yes. thank you being a voice during all this. tanya's quote says so much. i may need to print that out on a card and pass it out to people instead of speaking.
The silence in certain environments in this country might be the scariest part. By Thursday the lack of acknowledgment from the publicly traded corporation I work for had sunk in and I was literally shaky. Full on meltdown by 11am. A check in message on Friday from a friend. I was grateful. She was the only one.
I hope you continue to find time and space to rest.
My body responds with a deep ache around my ribs diaphragm, my chest and throat tighten. The tears are always about to drop. I try to keep up with what is happening and try to avoid the horrific images.
My words seem of no use right now. I keep asking myself how I can be of humble service. Sending much love your way.