Why subscribe to Dispatches for Daily Life?

Jena’s newsletter will bring to your inbox thoughtful observations about being human, musings and insights about creative practice, and frequent reminders that you’re doing a great job.

“A quiet inspiration in the chaos”

Readers and clients alike have expressed appreciation for the ways in which Jena’s writing, presence, and coaching help them slow down and reconnect with their own voice, both in life and on the page.

Every Dispatch from Daily Life will go directly to your inbox, delivering comfort, courage, and connection in the form of musings, poems, lists of 11 things, and more. You’ll also hear about opportunities to work 1:1 with Jena and join her popular writing groups and retreats.

It’s free!

The newsletter is and will remain free to subscribers.

Paid subscribers also get access to Jena’s weekly Fierce Encouragement drop-in hour on Zoom (Wednesdays at noon EST). Come talk about writing and life!

Subscribe to Dispatches from Daily Life

Writing coach and author Jena Schwartz offers readers fierce encouragement for writing + life in the form of poetry, personal essays, and opportunities to write, reflect, and grow together.


Fierce Encouragement for Writing + Life: Exploring the richness of real life happening and bridging the sacred and the mundane through creative practice.