Felt deer-in-the-headlights-y about getting started.
Looked at social media.
Remembered why I was doing this in the first place.
Asked for help.
Received help in form of reminder to break it down and start with small increments.
Ate oatmeal.
Filled water bottle. Gave thanks for having water.
Spent a few hours making a long bulleted list.
Took a walk around the neighborhood, warm enough to take off my Longmeadow Pride sweatshirt.
Microwaved a frozen burrito. Gave thanks for having power.
Relocated to sunporch. (Gave thanks for sunporch.)
Decided on initial essay structure.
Googled structure idea and found out it is actually a thing.
Decided this was serendipity and not just Google.
Began transforming bullet points into sentences and paragraphs.
Gained momentum.
Stopped reluctantly but for good reason of going to Rosh Hashanah program at my parents' new community.
Sat with 35 elders and soaked in the rabbi's teachings and songs.
Had dinner with my family of origin, marveled at how much like their old home my parents' new home looks and feels. Gave thanks again.
Came home and half-watched M.J.'s scary movie while poking at essay and listening to niggunim.
Exchanged emails with rabbi about poetry for Rosh Hashanah services.
Went to bed.
Awake at 4:00am writing in my head.
Almost got up at 4:00am to get back to it.
Knew I would be wrecked by 11:00am if I did this. (Gave thanks for growing older.)
Slept fitfully for another two hours.
Got up to feed Chupie and take her outside.
Fuller day today with clients, so less writing time.
Excited to get back to it. Gave thanks for process.
Little by little.
Sometimes we all need some fierce encouragement to start, keep going, and be good to ourselves along the way. What “we” sometimes forget is that “we” does not just mean everyone else.
If you could use this kind of support for your writing, please reach out! This is not just my work, it’s my passion.
We may do this work alone, but we can do it alone, together.
L’shanah tovah, Jena!
Good morning, neighbor!🤗