Friday greetings,
This week’s Dispatch will be...
...short, due to a family situation.
...enraged, due to the disaster that is our country’s healthcare system.
...brimming, due to a home filled with firelight, soft blankets, laughter, gifts, and care.
...incomplete, due to the ones missing from our tables.
...tender, for the stunning fragility and strength that coexist in each of us.
...sleepy, due to being awake since the wee hours.
...dedicated to our foremothers and forefathers, some of whom were there when it happened. embrace of family, near and far, past and present.
...a reminder that as long as we are here, all is never lost.
...a thank you to the known and unknown forces that heal us. offering to anyone who needs a reminder that you are not the only one.
...a prayer for the man who flipped me off yesterday in the hospital parking lot and the young mama in the ER who indulged my halting Spanish translation.
...a cleaving between hope and expectation.
...a love letter to trust.
...a spinning dreidel, not a spinning head.
...silly, because as Rabbi James Jacobson-Maisels writes, "Sometimes being silly is a way to show is a practice of being vulnerable and not protecting ourselves, reminding ourselves not to become too can release our caution and our fear that we might get it wrong.”
...a feather sweeping the edge of a mountain.
...Capricorn season stubborn optimism smile lines slow and steady on the trail.
...sons and daughters and sisters and brothers.
...the gift of honesty.
...a meditation at first light.
...the miracle of having more than enough of whatever we most need, in those days and these times, and let us say, Amen.
Shabbat Shalom and love,
Beautiful as always and I hope everyone is ok.
The fullness of life captured in your lovely list. May all be well for your father.