Friday greetings,
Before you read further, hit “play” and listen to the song Pearl graciously allowed me to include in today’s Dispatch. You might want to grab tissues.
If you want to subscribe to his Substack, here it is:

Now, this New York Times photo?
It’s from last weekend’s rally in Union Square, where Aviva joined thousands of others in the cold to speak up for trans kids and trans care. I was, and am, so proud of her. I am grateful for her voice, and for everyone doing their part, something, anything, to express opposition to this… this…
I can’t call it an administration since that indicates something legitimate and within the scope of “normal” politics. How about regime? Kleptocracy (also known as thievocracy)? Or this one, which I just learned yesterday:
I refuse to use normal language to describe what is happening.
Speaking of language, here’s something M. Gessen told Patrick Healy, deputy editor of New York Times Opinion:
To stand up to an attack, you have to have language and ideas to counter the attack. And that language and those ideas on any kind of scale would have come from the Democratic presidential campaign, which they didn’t.
The Democrats had chosen consciously not to engage with Trump’s anti-trans baiting. Somehow willing it away, or thinking that if they don’t say anything too pro-trans it will go unnoticed that he is trans-baiting them. It’s a strategy that has never worked but the Democrats keep stepping into over and over again.
So I think that for people to be able to stand up, they needed the words. The way that people reacted so quickly during his last presidency to the travel ban, it was because we have the language to stand up for immigrants and we have the ideas to stand up for immigrants. I think with trans issues it’s much trickier. Most people don’t have the language on hand at all.
Here’s a GIFT LINK to read or listen to their whole conversation, which I found worthwhile.
I also want to point out that even if you don’t feel super confident talking about trans issues, notice that the three prominent signs in the above photo, including Aviva’s, say a whole lot with very few words.
You do not have to have a Ph.D. to show up, be it in the streets or on the phone with your reps.
You have a pulse, a heart, a brain? You know plenty.
You have five minutes? SHOW UP.
Not sure how? Reach out to me. I will make time to talk to you.
Also, as so many have said more eloquently, no individual person could possibly address all of the egregious, illegal, unconstitutional, hateful, murderous actions coming out of the White House and Congress at breakneck speed. As others have also said more eloquently, that is largely the point, to wear us down.
Do you feel worn down? I sure as fuck feel worn down, excuse my language.
So yes, pick one thing. Pick an issue to put your weight behind, and then pick one thing related to that thing that you can do in your day. It will likely not be big, and it will likely not feel like it mattered. It is big, and it does matter. That is the definition of Democracy.
We, the People, cannot just cave. Keep fighting.
I am going to get off of my soapbox now. But if ever there was a time for a soapbox, I’d say this qualifies.
In other news, this meme resonated:
But seriously. As I said to my friend Lesléa over lunch this week, I believe in my heart that the timing of finally publishing “Fierce Encouragement” (the file languished on my computer since 2021) is meaningful. Even though it feels bizarre to be promoting it right now, it also feels deeply authentic and purposeful.
After all, this book is intended to be a source of courage, comfort, companionship, and creativity. We need those now more than ever.
I hope the 201 prompts between its beautifully designed front and back covers (shout out to designer Michelle Hobbs!) will give you starting places for freeing up the words that are waiting to surface, words and thoughts and ideas and stories you are carrying in you RIGHT THIS MINUTE.
(Also, life is so wild. I first discovered Lesléa’s poetry in high school, back in the old hole-in-the-wall Food for Thought bookstore in Amherst, RIP, long before I consciously knew I was gay. If you had told teenager me that she and I would become friends 35 years later after October 7, I would not have been able to imagine what on earth you were talking about. You cannot make this stuff up.)
More Book Love
“Jena Schwartz changed my life when we met so many years ago! She was on the verge of starting her own business as a writing coach, and I was a baby writer. Through her writing groups, a safe haven for anyone in her space, I grew my confidence and my voice.
The prompts that started me can start you.
How thrilling that she’s put her magic in a book!! Mine finally arrived, and I cannot wait to dive in! I have no idea what I’ll discover, but I know it will be worth the time I take for me to unfurl on the page. Congratulations Jena!! I am so happy for you and the world!” ~ Lisa Gray
Stacey Ingraham Loscalzo had received my book but had not used it yet. During our coaching session this week, she opened to a random page, read the prompt, set a timer for 10 minutes, and WROTE.
It really can be that simple.
Poetry Break
Read and listen to my poem “Full Stop” in Certain Age Magazine.
Oh – one more thing. I wrote a new poem yesterday. I was up before dawn, where poetry so often waits for me, in the dark, between dreams and daylight. I’ll share it here sometime soon.
I hope you are taking care of yourself. How are you taking care of yourself?
Shabbat Shalom and love,
Purchase here:
Prefer Amazon even though they caved to Trump? Preorder and get your copy after March 18: No judgment. I am still using Google, Amazon, and Meta platforms. I don’t want to be a hypocrite, and I also don’t want to pretend what’s happening isn’t happening. Extricating from this mess is not easy or simple. Do what you can as you can. Take care of each other. Be good to yourself.
Love Pearl's song! And your poem!
Pearl!!!! What a gorgeous song ! So lovely to see and hear you !
Jena! Can’t wait to get and read the book ❤️❤️- for you all and us all we will keep building, I promise ! Amy