Friday greetings,
Since tomorrow will be 50 days until my 50th birthday, I’ve decided to share 50 things I’m grateful for. Here we go…
My parents’ health and proximity
Being friends with my sisters
The fact that my kids are friends with each other now 😍
Intergenerational conversations
Memes that make me laugh from people who get me
Affectionate teasing that stops short of meanness
Our local Jewish community
Shabbat Neimah (“musical Shabbat”)
Teachers and mentors and guides
The seasons and, this time of year, the crisp air
Cute squirrels wearing bunny slippers
Generosity – on both the giving and receiving ends
Hanukkah shopping :)
Reading books that help me better understand myself
Reading books that help me better understand others
Naps under cozy blankets
Talismans and symbolism and new ways of seeing
Dog zoomies
Writer friends who are so generous with feedback
Mani’s daily countdown to their thesis defense (20 more days!)
The miracle of the body and how a thousand things are happening at all times that I don’t even have to think about
Planning a NYC trip with Aviva in December to celebrate her college graduation (!)
Pearl showing me photos from his fall adventures in Maine so far
Today’s news of a ceasefire and hostage exchange (and prayers that this is the beginning of more of the same)
Twinkle lights, especially during daylight savings
Alchemy and transformation
Friendships across space and time
Notes of appreciation from readers
Notes of kindness from past and current clients
The way the houseplants come back to life after I water them
Reframes and mantras
Morning pages
Meditation and fleeting glimpses of peace
Unexpected gifts (like this marvelous vintage-book collage from a beloved member of one of my long-term groups)

Did I mention dogs?
Work where I get to support people in bringing more of themselves both to writing and life
Little me and how joyful she was/is and how loving on her reminds me that all of us have a little person inside of us
Recognizing that the imagination can both expand and shrink my world, and the power to choose accordingly
Wordplay and conversations about language and metaphor and meaning
When my love comes up behind me while I’m washing the dishes and gives me a spontaneous squeeze and shoulder rub
Thursdays with my mom
My dad’s “daily ha” emails
Having learned a thing or two
Knowing how much I don’t know
Works in progress everywhere and how pleasing it is when you start to see glimmers of something that looks impossible starting to take shape
Music and art and how these belong to all of us
Little kindnesses
Shabbat Shalom and love,
Lovely! I share many of your gratitude's… and love the squirrel in bunny slippers! ShabbatShalom💜
Your creativity/gratitude/ writing/perspective/thinking/feeling always moves me. Thank you for putting yourself “out there” week after week. It’s a gift to us “out here.”