Not only the running, but the walking.
Not only the walking, but the stopping.
Not only the stopping, but the watching.
Not only the watching, but the listening.
Not only the listening, but the noticing.
Not only the noticing, but the seeing.
Not only the seeing, but the marveling.
Not only the marveling, but the smiling.
Not only the smiling, but the savoring.
Not only the savoring, but the communing.
Not only the communing, but the receiving.
Not only the receiving, but the reciprocating.
Not only the reciprocating, but the relishing.
Not only the relishing, but the recognizing.
From recognizing comes appreciation.
From appreciation comes gratitude.
From gratitude comes presence.
From presence comes peace.
I love these words! 💛
Love this! ❤️