It's feeling especially poignant to have spent much of the past week creating an online home specific to my Jewish work in the world. On Friday night, I pored over photos from my (one and only) trip to Israel in 2019 with my parents and daughter. Then yesterday morning, the news. My heart is with Israelis, Palestinians, American Jews, and Jews worldwide who are impacted by war.
As I wrote here, I have devoted my life and work to honoring and making space my own and others’ multitudes.
That’s why having a new website that specifically reflects aspects of my Jewish being and beliefs – and can coexist alongside my existing work – feels like a way to live further into that intention.
Like everything, these new pages are a work in progress and will evolve over time. I'm excited, for example, to add a page of resources, and I envision eventually adding classes and workshops as my Jewish Studio Project Creative Facilitation Training progresses over the next two years.
For today, I want to highlight this new offering…
Jewish (and Jew-ish) Co-Exploring Sessions
I am now offering 1:1 Co-Exploring Sessions, for Jewish, Jew-ish, and Jew-curious folks who want to have a safe container to focus on their spiritual journey and the kinds of questions, qualms, doubts, dreams, and stories that may not quite neatly fit anywhere, but deserve your time and attention.
I decided to call this “co-exploring” because none of the other words quite fit, i.e. coaching, mentoring, advising, guiding, counseling, spiritual direction…
I’m neither a rabbi nor a therapist, yet I bring to this work decades of coaching, career counseling, Jewish professional experience, dark nights of the soul, personal thresholds, boundaries work, formal study, and creative and spiritual practice in many forms.
I also bring the lived experience of not growing up with a Jewish identity or education only to make Judaism central to my life and work, raising Jewish children in an interfaith marriage, the terrain of divorce and co-parenting, coming out, remarriage, and becoming an adult bat mitzvah.
We are never “done.” Each of us – always changing, always becoming, always creating.
I am here to co-explore with you.
Sometimes we need space for the unanswerable parts, and to listen for our own “still small voice” (not necessarily a big booming one, although sometimes that, too).
Having someone hold this space with you can make a difference.
You can sign up for one, three, six, or 12 sessions at a time. There’s lots more detail on the Jewish Creative Practice website, so come have a look around.
A note: If you’re curious about working with me but aren’t sure what capacity would be most appropriate, please reach out! I eschew “one size fits all” approaches and thus love customizing and personalizing ways for us to connect that sync with this particular moment in your life.